Medicare Shared Savings Program Public Report A5305

Shared Savings Program Public Reporting Template – A5305

ACO Name and Location

Centrus Health of Kansas LLC
2330 Shawnee Mission Pkwy
Ste 300
Westwood, KS 66205

ACO Primary Contact

Noelle King-Whitlow

Organizational Information

ACO Participants:
ACO ParticipantsACO Participant in Joint Venture
Kansas University Physicians, IncN
Mid-America Cardiology Associates, IncN
John Amick DO, PCN
University of Kansas Hospital Authority N
Ammar Khalifa MD LLC N
KC Physician PartnersN
Inpatient Consultants of Kansas PA N
Alliance Radiology N
ACO Governing Body:
Member Last NameMember First NameMember Title/PositionMember's Voting Power (Expressed as a percentage or number)Membership TypeACO Participant Legal Business Name and D/B/A, if applicable
Al-hihi, MDEyadMember25%ParticipantKansas University Physicians, Inc.
Crabtree, MDYvetteMember0Community StakeholderSunflower Medical Group
Cordova, MDLoreeMember0Community StakeholderAdventHealth Shawnee Mission
Comfort, MDBrandenMember25%ParticipantKansas University Physicians, Inc.
AndersonJeffMember25%ParticipantUniversity of Kansas Hospital Authority
GreenRickMember0Community StakeholderMeritas Health Corp.
Varnum, MDBrookeMember0Community StakeholderAdventHealth Shawnee Mission
Delaney, MDAJVice-Chair0Community StakeholderClay Platte Family Medicine Clinic
Stanley, MDJohnMember25%Medicare Beneficiary RepresentativeN/A
LaGalle, DOCrystalMember0Community StakeholderMeritas Health Corp.
Belshe, DOKennaChair0Community StakeholderMeritas Health Corp.
Cook, MDChristineMember0Community StakeholderAdventHealth Shawnee Mission

Key ACO Clinical and Administrative Leadership:

ACO Executive: Noelle King-Whitlow
Medical Director: Brandon Comfort, MD
Compliance Officer: Shalama Brooks
Quality Assurance/Improvement Officer: Noelle King-Whitlow

Associated Committees and Committee Leadership:

Committee NameCommittee Leader Name and Position
Care Delivery & Quality CommitteeAndrew Jurgensmeier, MD; Chair
Payment Transformation & Finance CommitteeNathan Granger, MD; Chair

Types of ACO Participants, or Combinations of Participants, That Formed the ACO:

  • ACO professionals in a group practice arrangement
  • Hospital employing ACO professionals
  • Networks of individual practices of ACO professionals

Shared Savings and Losses

Amount of Shared Savings/Losses:
  • First Agreement Period
    • Performance Year 2023, $0.00
Shared Savings Distribution:
  • First Agreement Period
    • Performance Year 2023
      • Proportion invested in infrastructure: 5%
      • Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: 0%
      • Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: 95%

Quality Performance Results

2023 Quality Performance Results:

Quality performance results are based on the CMS Web Interface & CAHPS for MIPS Survey collection type.

Measure #Measure NameCollection TypeReported Performance RateCurrent Year Mean Performance Rate (SSP ACOs)
Measure #: 001Diabetes Mellitus: Hemoglobin A1c Poor ControlCMS Web Interface17.219.84
Measure #: 110Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza ImmunizationCMS Web Interface67.5970.76
Measure #: 112Breast Cancer ScreeningCMS Web Interface75.1980.36
Measure #: 113Colorectal Cancer ScreeningCMS Web Interface70.2877.14
Measure #: 134Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Clinical Depression and Follow-Up PlanCMS Web Interface83.7180.97
Measure #: 226Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation InterventionCMS Web Interface38.1079.29
Measure #: 236Hypertension (HTN): Controlling High Blood PressureCMS Web Interface61.1177.80
Measure #: 318Falls: Screening for Future Fall RiskCMS Web Interface92.7089.42
Measure #: 438Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular DiseaseCMS Web Interface85.6687.05
Measure #: 47930-Day, All-Cause Unplanned Readmission (HWR) Rate for MIPS GroupsCMS Web Interface0.15410.1553
Measure #: 484Clinician and Clinician Group Risk-standardized Hospital Admission Rates for Patients with Multiple Chronic ConditionsCMS Web Interface38.3335.39
CAHPS-1Getting Timely Care, Appointments, and InformationCAHPS for MIPS Survey83.1183.68
CAHPS-2How Well Providers CommunicateCAHPS for MIPS Survey94.4893.69
CAHPS-3Patient’s Rating of ProviderCAHPS for MIPS Survey93.2292.14
CAHPS-4Access to SpecialistsCAHPS for MIPS Survey76.1475.97
CAHPS-5Health Promotion and EducationCAHPS for MIPS Survey68.3363.93
CAHPS-6Shared Decision MakingCAHPS for MIPS Survey58.4161.60
CAHPS-7Health Status and Functional StatusCAHPS for MIPS Survey68.0374.12
CAHPS-8Care CoordinationCAHPS for MIPS Survey89.5385.77
CAHPS-9Courteous and Helpful Office StaffCAHPS for MIPS Survey95.9392.31
CAHPS-11Stewardship of Patient ResourcesCAHPS for MIPS Survey37.7626.69

For Previous Years’ Financial and Quality Performance Results, Please Visit

Payment Rule Waivers

Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) 3-Day Rule Waiver:

  • N/A

Payment for Telehealth Services:

  • N/A
Fraud and Abuse Waivers

ACO Pre-Participation Waiver:

The following information describes each arrangement for which our ACO seeks protection under the ACO Pre-Participation Waiver, including any material amendment or modification to a disclosed arrangement.

For each arrangement, provide the following information:

  • N/A

ACO Participation Waiver:

The following information describes each arrangement for which our ACO seeks protection under the ACO Participation Waiver, including any material amendment or modification to a disclosed arrangement.

For each arrangement, provide the following information:

  • Parties to the arrangement: All Participant TINs
  • Date of arrangement: January 1, 2018
  • Items, services, goods, or facility provided: Population Health Management Services
  • Date and nature of any amendments to the arrangement, if applicable: N/A